
I've collected log books and notes that I've made during the different courses I've participated in. The courses are in chronological order, with the oldest at the top. Grades have been given in the new Danish scale (also called the 7-scale; it goes from -3 over 2 (passed) up to 12). If the grades are only given as passed or failed, a is used for passed.

Note that the course home pages from block 1 of year 2009 are on the Absalon system instead of an open web page - and a users account is needed in order to gain access.

Courses followed to get bachelors degree:

Year Bl Course and course home page Page G ECTS Other
2007 1 Phys 1 (mechanics and special relativity) Link 10 7.5 Lab-exercises
2007 1 Math intro Link 12 7.5 Hand-ins
2007 2 Phys 2 (further mechanics) Link 10 7.5 Lab-exercises
2007 2 Linear algebra Link 12 7.5 Hand-ins
2008 3 Phys 3 (thermo dynamics) Link 12 5 Lab logs
2008 3 First year project Link 12 2.5  
2008 3 Math for physicists Link 12 7.5
2008 4 Phys 4 (electrodynamics) Link 10 7.5 Lab-exercises
2008 4 Analysis 1 Link 10 7.5 Hand-ins
2008 1 Phys 5 (quantum mechanics I) Link 12 7.5 Lab-exercises, Hand-ins
2008 1 Analytical mechanichs and chaos Link 12 7.5  
2008 2 Phys 6 (electrodynamics and waves) Link 10 7.5 Lab-exercises, Hand-ins
2008 2 Mathematical physics 1 Link 12 7.5 Hand-ins
2009 3 Phys 8 (quantum mechanics II) Link 12 7.5 Lab-exercises, Hand-ins
2009 3 Dynamical systems and chaos Link 7 7.5
2009 4 Ethics in science Link 7 7.5  
2009 4 Intro to atomic physics Link 7.5 Lab-exercises, Hand-ins
2009 1 Computer science for physicists Link 7.5 Weekly assignments
2009 1 Intro to nuclear and particle physics Link 12 7.5  
2009 2 Phys 7 (statistical physics) Link 12 7.5 Hand-ins
2010 3 Quantum field theory I Link 12 7.5  
2010 4 Computer physics Link 12 7.5 Weekly assignments
2010 4 Experimental physics Link 12 7.5 Lab-exercises
2010 1+2 Bachelor thesis Link 12 15 Project page

My total average of the grades during my bachelors degree education was then 11, and I earned 180 ECTS points in total.

Courses followed to get candidate (masters) degree

Year Bl Course and course home page Page G ECTS Other
2010 1 Neutron scattering Link 7.5 Projects
2011 3 Magnetism and magnetic materials Link 12 7.5 Hand-ins
2011 4 Experimental X-ray physics Link 12 7.5 Lab-exercises
2011 1 General relativity Link 10 7.5  
2011 1 Applied statistics Link 12 7.5 Hand-ins
2011 2 Elementary particle physics Link 4 7.5 Hand-ins
2011 2 Condensed matter theory I Link 4 7.5 Hand-ins
2011 3   Independent project Link 7.5  

My total average of the grades during my candidate degree education is then 9.0, and I've earned 60 ECTS points. After this, I continued directly to a four-year PhD, and hence did not write a master thesis.

Courses followed to get PhD

Time Course and course home page Page ECTS Other
2012, March Jana2006 workshop in Prague Link 1
2012, June NBIA workshop on Neutron Science Link 5
2012, sept. DISCUS workshop in Erlangen Link 3
2012, Sept. Responsible Conduct of Research Link 1
2012, block 2 Crystallography Link
2013, Jan. Flipper2013 Link 2
2013, Mar. ADD2013 Link 2
2013, Sep. Introduction to University Pedagogy Link 3
2013, Oct. Publishing and writing course Link 1
2013, Oct. Time management course Link 1
2013, Nov. Structural State of Minerals and Appl. Link 5
2013, Nov. Mantid introductory course Link 1
2016, July Aperiodic Crystals Link

Courses I have been an instructor or teachers assistant in:

Year Bl Course and course home page Page Information
2011 4 Experimental physics Link Exercise and lab assistant
2011 1 Neutron scattering Link MATLAB intro and development of web-page
2012 4 Experimental physics Link Exercise and lab assistant
2012 1 Neutron scattering Link MATLAB intro and exercise assistant
2013 4 Experimental physics Link Exercise and lab assistant

Other subpages


I've made my time-table public, primarily to make it easier for myself to actually find it in a hurry. But if anyone else should be interested in seeing what I'm doing at the moment, my time-table, and the time-tables of earlier years, can be seen by following this link.

Note collections

So far I've made a huge collection of notes for many of the courses I've followed, and these should certainly be of help to other people. They can be seen by following this link.