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I kurset lærer vi om hvordan magnetisme fungerer i faste stoffer, og hvad det bruges til. Der blev brugt rigtig mange forskellige læsematerialer fra mange forskellige kilder i kurset, og de er alle oplistet nedenfor:
Videre blev der til regneøvelserne i den første del af kurset brugt et sæt af ekstra opgaver. Disse kan hentes nedenfor:
En oversigt over hvad vi lavede i kurset kan ses i tabellen nedenfor. Alle slides brugt under undervisningen kan også hentes her.
Uge | Dag | Pensum | Opgaver |
1 | Tirsdag | Introduction to the course, teachers and evaluation form. The absence of magnetic materials in classical physics (Bohr-van Leuven theorem), the atomic origin of magnetic moments, quantum mechanics of spin.: Blundell Ch. 1 except 1.1.4 (slides) | S1.1, S1.2, B1.1, (B1.11, B1.12) |
Fredag | Intro. stat. mech. + quantum mech., diamagnetism, paramagnetism, spin, orbital angular momentum, Hund's rules: Blundell 1.2.1 (p. 7), Ch. 2 (pp. 18-36), Appendix E, parts of Appendix C (slides) | S2.1, B2.4, (B2.2) | |
2 | Tirsdag | Crystal field splitting, orbital quenching, Jahn-Teller effect: Blundell Ch. 3 (pp. 45-52), notes (slides) | S2.1, S3.1, (B3.1) |
Fredag | Exchange interactions, magnetic order: Blundell Ch. 4-5 (pp. 74-89) (slides) | B4.2, B4.3, B4.4, B4.5 | |
3 | Tirsdag | Mean-field theory, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, helical structures: Blundell Ch. 5 (pp. 89-102) (slides) | B5.4, B5.7, S5.2, (B5.1) |
Fredag | Domains, shape anisotropy, Brown's equations, energy landscape, magnetic phase diagrams (slides) | B5.4, B5.7, S5.2, (B5.1) | |
4 | Tirsdag | LLG-based micromagnetic simulations (slides) | Alternative exercises by MB (OOMMF exercises) |
Fredag | Macroscopic magnets in daily life, magnetic toys (slides) | Alternative exercises by MB (fun with magnets) | |
5 | Tirsdag | Concepts of broken symmetry + Goldstone modes, phase transitions (very brief), spin-wave excitations: Blundell Ch. 6 (pp. 111-127) | B6.1, B6.5 |
Fredag | Types of magnetic order and excitation, measurements of order and excitation by neutron scattering: Blundell Ch 5.7.2, 6.6.4 (103-108, 126-127) + notes on neutron scattering | B5.8, assignment, catch up | |
6 | Tirsdag | Mössbauer spectroscopy and the magnetic properties of nanoparticles: Blundell 2.8, p.40-43, Blundell 3.2.3, p.65-68, Blundell 5.7.3. only the first 8 lines, Blundell 8.3, p. 170-171, Note on Magnetic nanoparticles | Problem with Mössbauer spectroscopy (link) |
Fredag | Magnetic Nanoparticles II: p 3-5 in the Note on Magnetic Nanoparticles | ||
7 | Tirsdag | Magnetic hysteresis, magnetic measurements and magnetic data storage: Comstock, pp. 19-21, 24-28, 52-56, Jones, pp. 264-282 (slides 1, slides 2) | Problem with hysteresis (link) |
Fredag | Magnetic imaging techniques: Mainly, magnetic force microscopy, and electron holography: Note on magnetic force microscopy, note on electron holography (slides) | Problem on Electron Holography (link) | |
8 | Tirsdag | Magnetism in metals | |
Fredag | Question session |
Eksamensspørgsmålene i kurset endte med at blive som følger (de fleste af dem med både en teoretisk og en eksperimentel del, men nogle af dem kun med en teoretisk del):