Master's thesis handed in - preparing for the defense!
Tuesday the 24th of November 2015 at 14:11, permalink: 2015., edit

I finally managed to hand in my master's thesis, so I can continue on the remainder of my PhD project! I made a small sub-page on here, just like I did for my bachelor thesis back a few years ago. You can see it here, where you can also see the actual thesis.

A couple of example pages from the thesis

I am now preparing for the defense on Monday November 30, and just printed a couple of abstract-posters to hang in the elevator to tell people about it - those can also be seen on the little thesis sub-page I made. I'm mostly just looking forward to having this over with.

One day, I'm going to share the LaTeX class that I made for the thesis, so others can use the layout I made, but for now it's so messy that I don't think I want to support people on trying to compile the thing...

Part of the little abstract poster

Post tags: latex, thesis, masters, PhD

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