
Section 14 Exercise: Project 2, Part 3

Today's exercise is the third and final part of Project 2. In the previous two exercises you have created the data, seen two tools to analyze the data and obtained skills needed to make the final Twiki report. This exercise adds to the previous exercises, by showing how to make simple movies of the computational data. Finally there is a description of the desired content of the final report. Today, there is only one place to get the final credits, namely by finishing the report and let us evaluate the outcome.


The deadline for finishing the project is Friday June 25.

There is still time to make the course evaluations if you have not already done it! You find it under the course on Absalon. Please fill in the evaluation form, even if (especially if ;-!) you are happy with the course!


  approx time  


1 hour


Whatever it takes

down top Animation

[1 hour]

There are many tools that may be used to make animations. Here we give a few hints that may be used in different combinations to make animations from the images you can produce with the different visualization packages. Many of them produce series of images with an unique id number. Others can make movies directly, "on the fly". Below we give two examples.

Note: convert and ffmpeg do not exist on the DCSC-KU nodes (gifsicle does). We may (or may not) be able to convince the sysadmin to install them, but in any case these tools are available on the host astro03. You may not have a home directory there, but logging in is possible from fend03, and directories (for scp in and out) can be made under /tmp, if needed. You may also have these tools on your own laptop -- they can easily be installed under Linux, Mac and CygWin.

Movies from Paraview

Paraview can make AVI movies directly. To do this you need to choose a series of data files that defines the time evolution. Then build up your visualisation. Then in the top menu chose file -> Save Animation and follow the choices on the menues that appear. Just to make it clear, you can also chose to save the individual images in a few different image formats.

Producing animation files from images

The easiest option for producing animations is to do it directly with Paraview, as per the above. However, it is also possible to convert a series of images (produced for example with IDL or Paraview) to animated GIF or MPEG files. Here's more about that:

down top Report

[until it is finished..]

Writing the report in Twiki allows for a short turnover time, in terms of changing and viewing the material being written. Being on the web, it is possible to include all the advantages that this brings. Namely, sharing images, movies and text with just a single click.

To access the TWiki page and register as a user you need to follow the instruction on this page

The report should be a description of the experiment you have been running, with emphasis on showing the time evolution in some genius detail such that visitors of the web page can understand what is taking place. To do this you need to include the following main items:

There is a template page, also available via a link on the main report page.

It is preferable to keep everything on one TWiki page. If you prefer to make several independent TWiki pages, then use the same first part of the name and add something at the end (this is to avoid page names conflicting with your fellow students' pages), and remember to include the magic line that makes the page readable only by you and us for now (we will remove this restriction after everyone has finished!)

The main emphasis of your effort should be on the description section of the report. Here are some ideas - not all of which need to be used! - (see also the page discussing the basic physical principles):

There are, in principle, two phases of the:

We are convinced that, by sitting and playing with the data, you can find other ways of making informative combinations of the physical parameters available. How does the topology of the magnetic field change? What happens to the null points and the week field structures around them? Where does the force driving the field come from? How far from a constant alpha field is the field towards the end of the simulation? What happens to the flows that are initiated by the initial forces? How many nulls are left at the end of the experiment? Does the density around the central null increase as the complex flux region decreases in size and so on.

Once you are satisfied with the report, submit it by confirming here:

OK, I have submitted my project and I'm happy with the final result! Credits: 100/0

Note: The report will be graded by a censor (internal) and us, and based on the grade additional credits (from 0 to 120) will be assigned.


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