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Section 13 Exercise: Project 2, Part 2 |
Today's exercise is the second part of Project 2, the main theme of which is Visualization. In this part, you will learn hot to visualize and study snapshots of the same type of experiment that you started preparing in the previous exercise. You are going to do this using Paraview and IDL. Please note that there are no questions (and hence no credits) for this exercise, but since you need the techniques taught here to produce material for the report (which gives a lot of credit!), it is important to work also on this exercise.
If you haven't yet started the magnetic relaxsation experiment at
start that tasks first, and then come back and work on the exercises
below, using example data available on DCSC-KU at ~kg/scratch/cf10/12/
until you have your own data ready.
Subsections | approx time |
CVS and data access | 1 min |
Data conversion | 10 min |
Paraview data visualization | 2+ hours |
30 min |
Home Work | 1 hour |
[about 1 minute] |
ssh -Y CF_user@fend03.dcsc.ku.dk cd ~/users/"computer-physics-id"/ComputerPhysics cvs update -AdPThis will create the directory 13_Visualization where you will do most of the work during this part of the project. For the following parts of the exercise to work you most work on
. Then do
cd 13_Visualization \rm -f data # if your dataset is ready ln -sf ~/scratch/"computer-physics-id" data ln -sf ../12_Relaxation/Idl/*.pro ./ \rm -f data # if your dataset is not ready yet ln -sf ~kg/scratch/cf_12/ data ls -l data/snapshot.dat ls -l data/to have access to the subdirectory containing the data you have to visualize. The
commands are there as a check that you really have access to the data
set via
the name data/snapshot.dat
If you start by using the example data, then when
you have your own dataset ready to work on just redo the commands above,
linking "data"
to your own directory ~/scratch/"computer-physics-id"
instead of to the
example data directory.
ssh $USER@fend03.dcsc.ku.dk llqstat | grep GPU # we have reserved a few nodes for interactive usage, with job name GPU#### ssh -p #### localhost # where #### is the number indicated abovewhere the second line picks up the number of the nodes that are available for interactive usage. The information looks like this:
mgnt03.2418724. troels astro_gpu GPU2222 1 8 240:0 R 06:16 node617where 2222 in GPU2222 represents the port number after the -p option in the second ssh command above. The last entry node617 is the actual "name" of the machine you logon to. There will be more than one GPU#### node available. Each has 8 CPUs and 4 graphics cards. So please scatter randomly on these machines. Now start a VNC server on this node:
vncserver -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -localhost # you may choose a smaller graphical window....What you need to notice is that when starting the server provides a display number (in the form :N) that you need to remember for connecting (and later re-connecting) to the session with a vncviewer (see below). More information about setting up VNC is given under Course Material on Absalon.
Now exit from the GPU node and start a tunnel to the vncsession:
fend03> ssh -p 2222 localhost -L 590#:localhost:590# # replace 2222 with the port number and # with the display numberwhere # is the display number given by the initiation of the vncserver. To access the vnc session from your laptop, you need to setup a tunnel that connects to fend03 and then start the vncviewer:
laptop> ssh -NfC CF_user@fend03.dcsc.ku.dk -L590#:localhost:590# laptop> vncviewer localhost:#(or correspondingly with Putty or another SSH client).
Since you are all using the same login to DCSC-KU there is also a common VNC passwd: !CF_VNC_PASS. Give the passwd and your view of the vncsession running on the GPU machine will start. The graphical interface you will encounter is a simple one as neither kde nor gnome is installed on the graphical nodes.
[about 10 minutes] |
NOTE: If initially you are using the example data you don't need to (and cannot) do the data conversion. Come back and do that later, with your own dataset.
Initially the data is written from the simulation code in a simple block format, where the data file contains 8 variables for each snapshot and on the order of 100 snapshots. Each of the variables are represented by Nx x Ny x Nz grid points.
Paraview is able to read a huge number of different formats. We have chosen to use their new standart format, XML, which is a platform independent open format. You can read more about it here
To transform data from a series of snapshots into XML format you need to execute the following command in IDL from the data directory:
IDL> openr,10,'data/snapshot.dat' IDL> nn=192 IDL> a=assoc(10,fltarr(nn,nn,nn)) IDL> .c stagger IDL> for i=0,100 do stagger2vti,a,i,'data/snapshot',[1.,1.,1.] & print,i
Note: this takes about 1 minute per snapshot and each snapshot requires roughly 1.5 GB. You can follow the advance by the increase in the printed number. As soon as the first file is written you can continue the exercise below.
The process creates new files called snapshot.#.vti/, where # represent the snapshot number. Each file is selfcontained, including all the information need to reconstruct the data set when read into Paraview. Each file contains a number of processed variables (moved to center grid position), density, magnetic field vector, current vector and the velocity vector.
[about 2+ hours] |
One can say that "visualization is a way to convert on the order of 8*N3 floating point numbers into physical intuition of what's going on in the numerical experiment".
Let's get started on the process.
Start Paraview in the VNC session by typing (in an Xterm window):
paraview &
To access a dataset to investigate, click on File and choose Open. A file browser appears, choose the *vti file you have just created in your data directory. You need to press Apply to actually read the data (takes some time).
Below we discuss five ways to investigate the data set. Here we only described the process broadly, while more detailed instructions are available through links to a TWiki page within each block.
Before exiting Paraview you should save the Paraview settings
(parameters, colors, perspectives, etc).
To do this choose File and in the submenu choose Save state.
This opens a new window, where you can choose a file name (ending with pvsm)
and a directory
to save the file in. This session can then be restored at a later time,
to reconstruct the
visualisation you have just created. We will return to this in the final
[about 30 minites] |
Let's see how the magnetic energy density map looks in a different
projection. To do this we need to
do the following:
IDL> .run stagger IDL> n=256 ; grid resolution IDL> n_snap=??? ; snapshot number to look at [0,100] IDL> close,1 ; close file if open IDL> openr,1,'data/snapshot.dat' ; open the data file for reading IDL> a=assoc(1,fltarr(n,n,n)) ; associates the variable "a" with the file IDL> tmp=sqrt(xup(a[8*(n_snap-1)+5])^2+yup(a[8*(n_snap-1)+6])^2+zup(a[8*(n_snap-1)+7])^2) ; magnetic magnitude snapshot n_snap IDL> print,max(tmp,min=min),min ; prints the max and min values IDL> xinteranimate, set=[n,n,n], /showload ; allocate space for the animation IDL> for i=0,n-1 do $ ; loop over one index to show the content of the whole array IDL> xinteranimate, frame=i, $ ; start loading data in to memory IDL> image=bytscl(tmp[*,*,i],min=0,max=??) ; data for each animation frame IDL> xinteranimate, /keep_pixmaps ; activates the animation tool
From the xinteranimate interface it is possible to view the animation, and choose the speed and direction of the animation. But, what is equally important is that this tool includes the ability to save the image sequence as an MPEG movie.
Checkout the documentation page on xinteranimate. It contains information about how to change the specific setting on for instance the quality of the MPEG movie using keywords to the first call to xinteranimate.
Similar animations can be made for the time evolution of other scalar quantities, showing how the local density, magnetic energy density, ... are evolving in time. Here's an example:
IDL> xinteranimate, set=[n,n,100?], /showload ; allocate space for the animation IDL> for i=0,n_snap-1 do begin xinteranimate, $ ; loop over one index to show the content of the array IDL> frame=i,$ ; frame number IDL> image=bytscl(total(a[8*i+4],1),min=.1,max=5) ; density projection (along x) for each animation frame IDL> ; bytescl data with in the range .1:5 IDL> xinteranimate, /keep_pixmaps ; activates the animation toolOther information may be found, by looking for example at distribution functions and peak values as functions of time. Here is an example with the peak value of the total density:
IDL> rho_max=fltarr(n_snap) IDL> for i=0,n_snap-1 do begin rho_max[i]=max(a[8*i+4]) IDL> plot, rho_max, xtitle="??",ytitle="??"
To compute the root-mean-square of the current for a given snapshot do
IDL> Jx=ddyup(a[8*n_snap+7])-ddzup(a[8*n_snap+6]) IDL> Jy=... IDL> Jz=... IDL> Jrms=sqrt(total(Jx^2+Jy^2+Jz^2)/(3*n_elements(Jx)))
For magnetic relaxation experiments one may also look into the distribution function of the density, velocity amplitude, or magnetic energy in the experiment. For doing this one needs to use a function called histogram.
IDL> rho=a[8*n_snap] ; get the density IDL> h=histogram(alog10(rho),binsize=??,min=??,max=??) ; compute histogram of log(rho) IDL> plot,h,psym=10,/ylog ; plot the histogram
It is also possible to see how the different physical quantities change with time by making a 3D fourier analysis of ia iven quantity for different times. For this you need to use the special a routine called power3D.
IDL> Bx=a[8*n_snap+5] ; get the x component of the B-filed IDL> power3d,Bx ; calculate and plot the 3D power spectrum
power3d has two keywords, wavenumbers and spectrum that can be used to get the spectra out, such that one can collect them into a 2D array that can then show the time evolution of the fourier transform.
To look for null points inside the domain you can use this setup
IDL> bv=fltarr(n,n,n,3) ; define an array to contain the magnetic field vector IDL> bv(*,*,*,0)=xup(a[*n_snap+5]) IDL> bv(*,*,*,1)=... IDL> bv(..... IDL> r_null=nullfinder(bv) ; find the nulls in the domain -- returns the grid positionsCheck the number of null point positions by determining the dimensions of the r_null array. How does this number change with time?
[about 1 hours] |